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Mejias Wins Stage 1 of Redlands Classic

NEWS!  Virginia’s Blue Ridge TWENTY24 Marlies Mejias Garcia (CUB) wins the opening stage of Redlands Bicycle Classic supported by the team of Melisa Rollins, Emily Ehrlich, Laurel Quinones, Sofia Arreola, Cailegh Filmer and Nicole Steinmetz. The Cuban out-paced Alia Shafi (Fount Cycling) and Marcela Prieto (Pato Bike) in the uphill sprint. 

The victory gives Mejías Garcia the first leader's jersey of the race. "It's my first time wearing a leader's jersey for a stage race, I've done some stage races years ago but only to prepare for the track events, so having the jersey feels good, we've trained a lot to at least start In this way, this race, great teamwork is essential, each one contributes to achieve the final result, the technical director is great, he values each point of view of each athlete and that is important in a team race, and it feels great to win because only people close to you know what we've been through to get there!"

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